I guess I'm better. You see, part of me never wants this icky feeling to go away. I want to remember Honduras forever. I want to have a burden for that place. But, with the icky feeling always there, it makes me miss them too. It first started the night before we left when we had to say goodbye. I felt like I was leaving family behind. So, I want to remember, because I don't want to forget them. But it really makes me want to go back. I don't know. I'm a bit confused. Oh yeah, if you want to look at some pictures go to here, then click on the bus in the right hand corner. You can figure it out from there. Later days.
Hi. I have heard a lot about those who've gone to another country and are now at home and not liking being here...I've had that feeling, too. Mission trips are fantastic, life-changing, incredible, etc. They are what we, as Christians, are to be about - Going into all the world and preaching the gospel, baptisizing them and teaching them what we've learned here in this God blessed country. Those precious lives that God allowed us to be a part of - maybe even leading them into the kingdom of heaven - are terribly hard to leave! "God used me to birth a child into His Kingdom!" Those are people He puts on our prayer list that will continue to grow and grow every time He sends us. If satan can, he will try to use the experience to discourage you and make you feel all kinds of negative thoughts...even make you feel useless here in your home, school, or church. "I just can't be the same here - the people aren't listening - they don't have a hunger for Godly things - I don't have any lost friends -I had a specific job there and here I'm just one of lots of people here..." There are all kinds of tricks and lies of the enemy. Remember, God wants to use you here in THIS part of the world, too. There may not be a BIG plan written out, but God has a plan for you here. There may not be a strategy mapped out on paper complete with times of all the activities- but God has it mapped out for you right here. How do we know what it is that He has planned? Pray. Be ready to be used EVERY day right where He has you. Do it as though it were you last day on the trip and time is almost up. We don't really know - it just may be - for all those neighbors, cashiers at convenience stores, little ones you babysit, that kid who came to class and doesn't speak to anyone, and all the rest. Here, it is hard - there it was easy. Well, trust God to be your HELP (He wants us to be moving that ball and on the offensive moving to score for His kingdom) and your SHIELD (He will lead the defensive attack on that team called "roaring lions" who are trying to take away that fire that was kindled on that mission trip).
Every time you think of that experience, pray. Pray, pray, pray and listen. Listen for 10 minutes before you start doing all the talking and write down what He tells you to do that day....I know He probably won't talk as loudly as the ones in charge of that mission trip as they told everyone what to do for the day, but how incredible, awesome, and unbelieveable it is to hear that still, small Voice that gently leads us to do something that HE had planned for us here - in our everyday life - that will make a difference in people's lives - maybe even for all eternity! Listening - that is the key. Praying - repeating His Words to Him - the Psalms, James, the Word, pray the Word, and listen again. Fan that flame that started over there with prayer. I feel sure that the Lord will keep calling you to short term mission trips. They are GREAT!! They change your life, for sure. Keep that flame flickering here in the everyday stuff then, the everyday stuff can be more than everyday.....they can be your mission field - with God in charge - with a new plan each day to minister to who-knows-who - that will make a difference - who knows?!! You are equiped for the mission if you pray, listen, read, and GO...who knows? God does. "The Lord will b less those that fear the Lord, both small and great...He will increase you...and We will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore..Praise the Lord!!!" To God be the Glory for the great things He did over there...and the great things He will do over here!!!! Much love to you from another Mom.
Thank you ever so much.
You're welcome...I'll be praying for you as God reveals His plan or you.....many blessings to you and your family! M
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