Tuesday, May 09, 2006


It's hard to describe how I feel about running. I hate actually getting out and doing it most of the time, but every once in a while, I'm totally in the mood for it. Like tonight, for example. I had a pretty crummy day today, and after bottling it up all day long, it was nice just to go run. It's hard to describe what that's like to a non-runner. Sometimes it's hard for even me to wrap my brain around it. How does running relieve stress? I'm not sure, but I know it works. I guess when you're running you have nothing else to do but think, and since you run for a while, it gives you time to sort your thoughts. Even though it's painful, I am beginning to enjoy running. It has an appeal to it...the cool night wind sweeping across your face, lifting the perspiration from your head and airing out the little rivers that are trickling down the middle of your back. The steady rhythm of your feet pounding the concrete below you. The brilliant moonlight illuminating the path before you, while you know that every step you take is a foot closer to the finish. And the satisfaction that you get when you cross that finish line...it's incredible. You get to look at the road behind you and think, 'Wow. I did it. I finished.' I guess life is sort of like that too. Finish well.


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