Saturday, February 13, 2010


I've come to the conclusion that I hate relationships. I hate everything about them. I hate the fact that you can be led on for months without knowing for sure what's actually going on. I hate that you trust someone with your feelings and your emotions only to have them trample upon them like they were nothing. I hate being used, but more than that, I hate being played. There's nothing worse than that. Ok, I take it back. There's nothing worse than being played by someone who also claims to be your friend.

That's another thing. I hate getting involved with people who are my friends, because that just makes things so much harder. You can have an awesome friendship from the get-go, and then when you get your emotions into it and things go wrong, often times the friendship is ruined. I HATE that. It sucks. And yet, I find myself consistently getting into the same situation over and over. You'd think I'd learn.

I always have been a slow learner.

-Fingernail out


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