"This Little Piggy Went....Where?!?!?"
My little sister never ceases to amaze me. She has been cracking me up all day. Earlier, she was popping balloons with a pen, but her face...she'd raise the pen, then bring it down like a knife killing somebody like a scene from "Psycho" or something. Then she was quoting all these lines from movies (she knows almost all of Parent Trap by heart) and she has a different accent and face for each character. But by far the funniest thing she did was doing her own dance moves for me. I was rolling off the bed laughing. She does her own things, and I taught her some new stuff. It's better than her Thriller moves. As if that's not enough, I did the "This Little Piggy Went to Market" with her toes, then she wanted to do mine. She got past the first toe when she forgot the other parts, so she began to make up her own like, "This little piggy...um, she went shopping. And this little piggy went to sleep and had a bad dream. And this little piggy...well, she ate a sandwich..." And so on. She is the most hilarious thing ever. I'll admit it...I get frustrated with her sometimes, but she's a hoot and keeps me laughing. All for now. Later days!!
P.S. Soccer game on Saturday @ 12:30!! Come watch us win!!!!! :)
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