Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tut, tut, looks like....snow?

It looks like snow, huh? But nope, it's sleet. I wish it was snow. Where I come from, we get snow all the time, but here in Memphis you get snow like, once every 3 million years. Actually, that's not quite true. We got a little bit of snow last February during D-Now. I remember because my whole group got up and looked out the window except me...I stayed in my sleeping bag, doing what I do best...sleeping. I mean, c'mon. It was just snow. I've seen it a million times. Besides, I'd rather sleep than do anything, even eat. Anyways, if it snows, I'm inviting the whole world over to have the bestest snow fight EVER! I'm dead serious here, people. If you live anywhere near me, or even if you don't, come on over. I can assure you I'll be outside, waiting for you with some snowballs. Later days!


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