Breakin' the law
People break the law more often than you think. I found that out last night, and even this afternoon. Get this--last night, I'm at Kohl's with my mom and brother. While they're off somewhere in the back of the store, I'm browsing the young ladies section, which is by the door. Now, because of my awesome CIA training and secret ninja moves from the government, I noticed this lady walking around the building with a Kohl's cart, stuffed with those huge black mesh Kohl's bags, each of which were filled to the brim. She walks over to the section by me, leaving her cart near me (but closer to the door). This dude outside almost ran into the window in his hurry to get inside (which weirded me out, but would have been quite funny if he had run into it). So he comes in and says to the lady, "Are you ready?" I'm thinkin' it's maybe his girlfriend, or maybe his wife, and he's ready to go. Still, the look of urgency in his eyes really had me unnerved. Then I noticed the cigarette in his mouth. The crackhead was inside! With a cigarette! I began to think that maybe he was just coming in real fast (which he was...literally). The lady said something like, "You got the receipt?" As she walked out the door, he stayed put by the cart, which was still very near me. He looked at his girlfriend, looked at the cart, then glared at me. Before I could think, he grabbed a bag, turned, and sprinted out the door. My jaw dropped. I thought about running outside and trying to see the plates on the car, but the thought of him blowing away the only witness kept me inside. I didn't know if he had a gun or not, but I wasn't taking any chances. The people at the desk did what they could, but he was long gone. Ugh. The look on his face when he stared at me still is scary enough to freeze my insides. The thought that a robbery happened about 3 feet from me weirds me out too. But enough about that.
I practially broke the law today myself. I didn't really, but we were almost late to Geometry. Almost. Our van sprouted wings. :) The fact that I was driving had nothing to do with it though. Honest. 0:) Later days!
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