Woohoo, what an exciting day today has been! Last night and all this morning we got our sledding groove on. Last night, my dad tied the sled to the back of his truck and we rode around our cove. We did that again this morning, but we also sledded down this big hill (down to the street Bazemore) that had frozen over. It's really fun, but it's better if you have a sled that actually steers! Gosh, mine would not steer very good at first. Ask the lady who was standing there...she watched me drive into the curb and smash into the sewer thing. It hurt like anything. I couldn't really bail, because then my sled would fly out into an intersection, and it was ice, not snow. You'd think I'd learn after that. But no, of course not....this is me we're talking about here. I went down the hill, through the intersection and decided to turn into the nearest cove and stop. Everything went fine until it came time to turn. I turned too late and the sled wouldn't turn sharp enough. I crashed into the curb at a pretty good clip and banged up my knee. I'm just thankful I didn't mess up my head, because I had been laying on the sled at that point, going down head first. But it was fun. Hopefully it'll stick around for a little while. Ok, it may stay, but I ain't, so later days!
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