Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Eyes or Ears?

Ok, well, here's something I've given much thought. If given the choice, and you had to pick one or the other, would you rather be blind or deaf? And why?

(Soccer game, 5:30, tonight!) Peathe out...........


Blogger Rai Rai said...

Since no one else is probably going to comment, I will. I wouldn't like to be blind, because then you couldn't see friends' smiles and faces or the sun setting against a pinkish-purple sky. But if you were deaf, you couldn't hear your best friend's laugh or hear them talk to you. You couldn't hear music or watch movies without the subtitles (and even then it wouldn't be the same). Sure you could see stuff, but you wouldn't be able to hear anything. Can't I just go with being partially blind, but still be able to hear too? :)

8:29 PM  

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