Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Hurricane Elvis, Jr.

Not much happened today, although I got to sleep in. That was nice. The storm last night was retarded. I'm usually too lazy to get out of bed and make sure there's no tornado coming (I just plug one ear and try to go back to sleep), but the lightning was so close last night the thunder was rattling my window. That seemed like a bit of a warning, so I got up, went downstairs and watched the weather. Of course, once I get out of my nice warm bed, the lightning calms down and we go back upstairs. Curses to storms. They have something against me, and I always have something against them because they wake me up and ruin soccer practices.
Something else quite weird happened today though. I had a major headache in the honor society meeting, and now I've got this uncomfortable tightening in my chest. I think it's probably just something I ate, but if it keeps it up, I'm going to the doctor. Maybe he can explain the off/on pain I've had in my left shoulder. Ok, I'm rambling because I'm bored, but why should I subject you to my torture? That would be unfair, so all for now. Later days.


Blogger Rai Rai said...

That hunk is my future husband (j/k, I wish!) is international soccer star, David Beckham. He plays for England and Real Madrid.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Rai Rai said...

Excuse my wretched typing. It should say "That hunk, my future husband (j/k, I wish!), is international soccer star, David Beckham.

10:55 AM  

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