Man, I hate mowing, but the one fun thing about can shoot stuff at people with your mower! Haha, like we mow this one yard on Walnut Bend and if you get the mower aimed at the street, and run over some of those cockle-bur things, they shoot out at the cars. Or sometimes I try to shoot them at my brothers. That's always fun. But it's no fun when the shoot back at you, like it happened tonight. If you mow along a fence and you hit a bur just right, it shoots out, bounces off the fence, and hits you...pretty dern hard. But it's nothing I can't handle. :) Other than that, mowing's not my most favorite thing to do, but it pays good, so I'll live with it. One thing I'd really like to get though is a pea shooter. Those things are so awesome. I've always wanted one in church, to shoot at unsuspecting victims. Ooh, ooh, and I want something I didn't even knew existed...a marshmallow shooter!! My chemistry teacher told us about some that shoot mini marshmallows really good. And potato shooters that you put up on your shoulder like a bazooka. If I could take one of those to band... :) Those all would be really cool to have. I might try to make some...the pea shooter would be easy, and I bet I could figure the others out. Add 'em to my slingshot, and I'd have the best weapons collection ever! I really do have a big slingshot, which I love. When we went to Colorado a few years ago, I used it to shoot at a bull that was next door to my grandparents house. That was great. Ok, nothing more for me. Later days....
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