Becks' hat
I just love Beckham. He's so cute! Maria, is that the hat you were talking about before? If you look real close, you can see his initials (DB) on the front. I like the hat. I like the color and the way it's woven? (help me out there're the knitting master) It's cool. it's nippy outside today. All this rain has cooled things down a lot. That means my game tomorrow is going to be...interesting. It's probably going to be all muddy again (but that will make it FUN), but if it's cold...ugh, cold and my asthma just don't get along. But I'll manage...I always do somehow. Yeah, if you're bored and have nothing better to do, you can come watch my game tomorrow. It's a 12:30, on field 4 at Bellevue. Okkk, welp, I'm a-gonna go. Later days! Vive l'Anjuol!! :)

i like that hat...i like that dude too.

yeah that is what I was talking about
It's a cool hat, huh? Hope your test went well today. :)
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