Sunday, August 20, 2006

I suppose I'm due for an update

well, i guess i'll update, since i have time and i'm bored. so i'm up at union...have been for the past twelve days...eleven...something like that. i have to admit, i'm completely enjoying myself. soccer has been...challenging (that's putting it lightly), but i'm still have a great time. the girls are great and i'm just havin fun. if you read this, i ask that you pray for me. my asthma has been giving me fits lately, and has kept me from accomplishing all that i wanted, so pray that it settles down and that i'll be content with the position that i'm in. also, please pray for my shins and my calves. they also have been giving me fits and that's just not a good thing. oh, and pray for my foot...i cut it in several places because i did a barefooted victory dance on a gym floor...and the dragging of feet produces blood, apparently. haha, so that's about all i guess...i'm a lil' bit frustrated with some things, but it'll all work out in the end. aight, that's all i got.
-Fingernail out

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gah! Sprained fingers hurt!

Well....i'm afraid i may have sprained, fractured or (I insist) broken my pinky finger. it hurts like the dickens. now, you're probably wondering how i did this in the first place...well, my little brother borrowed two pairs of boxing gloves from a friend of his. the pair he was wearing looks like the normal goes over your whole hand and everything. the pair i was wearing was a little slip your thumb and your fingers into little slots and the padding curves over your it's not closed completely over your entire hand. so we were boxing and i was beating the snot out of him...when he got a lucky shot in. i happened to have my hand facing out, with my palm toward him...thus revealing my vulnerable fingers. of course, he couldn't have hit my hand or my face--no, he had to throw a haymaker that hit me right in the pinky finger. i don't know how it bent or how far back it bent, but either way, it was screwed up when i looked at it again. pretty crooked...but it's started to look a little better. of course, it's twice the size of my other pinky finger and sort of a pale yet blue color. it's bruising, obviously, but hopefully it will be better soon. i feel like a cripple now...and the way i cradle my hand makes me look retarded. oh well. so, that's my interesting story for the day. woohoo. oh yeah, college is in 8 days! yay! all for now! later days!